SMPS Archive
Odyssey SMPS 450W – Review and Specifications
in Hardware
Odyssey 450W SMPS is a basic cheap Power Supply. There is nothing special about this Power Supply Unit but it is quite popular in India, where most of the
Is UMAX 450 Watt SMPS enough for your PC?
in Hardware
UMAX 450 Watt Livewire is a cheap basic Power Supply from UMAX. UMAX is a computer component manufacturing company from Taiwan. Their main products are Scanners which are very
iBall LPE223-400 SMPS Specification, Price and Review
in Hardware
iBall LPE223-400 is an entry level and cheap Power Supply /SMPS from iBall. It comes pre-installed with almost all the cabinets from iBall and is very common in Indian
Zebronics SMPS Review and Why to Avoid them?
in Hardware
Zebronics is a quite popular computer peripheral brand in India. Their products are also quite cheaper as compared to other more reputable brands. They sell variety of items like
Gigabyte wide range of SMPS / Power Supplies
in Hardware
Gigabyte is a Computer Components Manufacturer Company from Taiwan. It is most famous for making high quality Rock solid motherboards (both low end to high end) for PC. Gigabyte
Budget Gaming SMPS for your PC
A gaming PC needs more resources and power than a normal everyday computer. High end games can stress the computer components to their limits and it can lead them
How to Find Best Power Supply for your PC
A Power Supply Unit (PSU) or SMPS is one of the most important unit of your computer. All other components of your computer depends on it. A good PSU
VIP SMPS or PSU Range – Best Indian SMPS Brand
in Hardware
If you are looking for a good SMPS in India then look no further than VIP. VIP is the name of the range of SMPS distributed by Kunhar Peripherals