List of Snapdragon 835 Phones & SD 835 vs 821 Comparison
in Mobiles
Snapdragon 835 is the latest and fastest Snapdragon processor after Snapdragon 821 SoC (System On a Chip). Snapdragon 835 is the successor of the Snapdragon 821 and Snapdragon 820
Top Faulty Motherboard Symptoms & Solutions
Motherboard is one of the most important components of your computer whether it is a laptop or a PC. It is the only component on which other major components
Best Portable External DVD Writers for Laptops in India
in Hardware
If your laptop DVD writer is not working properly or you need a good external DVD writer then you are at the perfectly right place. External DVD Writers comes
Intex SMPS Techno 450 20+4PIN Review – Not a 450W PSU
in Hardware
Intex SMPS or PSUs are very popular in India because of their lower price and easy availability. Intex is an Indian brand but all of their products are made
Foxin FPS 800 SMPS Review – Not a 800 Watt PSU
in Hardware
Foxin FPS 800 SMPS is a computer power supply that is getting much attention because of its lower price and claimed higher wattage. I have already reviewed Foxin 450W
Top Free Hindi Apps for Android Smartphones & Tablets
in Mobiles
Hindi is the official language of India and is gaining much popularity among foreigners and tourists. It is a language that you must know if you live in India
Best Selfie Phones having Good Front Camera with Flash
in Mobiles
If you are a selfie lover and need a good android selfie phone with front LED flash then you are at the right place. The craze among selfie is
Fix Laptop Keyboard Not Working Problem
Is your laptop keyboard not working? If yes then here I am going to tell you how to fix this annoying problem in laptops. Keyboard is the most important