Difference between GDDR5 vs DDR3 vs GDDR3 vs GDDR4 RAM
in Hardware
GDDR5, GDDR3, GDDR4 and DDR3 are all types of DDR (Double Data Rate) RAM (Random Access Memory). Each one has their own application in the computer and technology field.
How Good are Frontech SMPS or Power Supplies?
in Hardware
Frontech is an Indian brand under the company Jupiter International Limited (JIL) and it sells and manufactures wide range of computer components like cabinets, smps, mouse, keyboards, speakers, headphones,
Truth about Unlimited Shared Web Hosting you Must Know
in Internet
There is nothing unlimited in this world and it applies to Web hosting also. You have seen that many webhosting companies offering shared hosting account with unlimited disk space,
Website Down or Not Tools to Check Website Availability Status
in Internet
It is a known fact that any website can go down no matter how big it is. We have seen some big sites like Google, Facebook and Twitter to
How to Check whether a Website is Responsive or Not?
Today Responsive design is the main necessity of a website or blog. Responsive design for your website can help your business to have more impact among users and search
Odyssey SMPS 450W – Review and Specifications
in Hardware
Odyssey 450W SMPS is a basic cheap Power Supply. There is nothing special about this Power Supply Unit but it is quite popular in India, where most of the
How to Increase FPS in Games for PC – Detailed Guide
in Gaming, How to Guides
If you are pc gamer then you must want that your games should run smoothly without any lags or halting. You can experience the lagging in games because of
Logitech SetPoint Software Guide & Offline Installer Download
Logitech SetPoint is a software containing set of drivers for customizing buttons and functionality of Logitech mice, keyboards and trackball. Its online installer can be downloaded for free from