Best Portable Bluetooth Speakers in India for Music Lovers
in Hardware
Bluetooth Speakers are wireless speakers that are becoming more and more popular among mobile users. This is because they are easy to connect as they do not require any
Best WiFi Range Extenders or WiFi Repeaters in India
in Hardware
WiFi Range is a common problem in homes and offices for many users. Even you have a good Wireless Router or WiFi Modem then also you may face issues
Fix My Laptop wont connect to WiFi or Laptop WiFi not working
My Laptop wont connect to WiFi is a common problem that can occur to any laptop and it has its various causes. WiFi is one of the most important
Advantages of Branded SMPS & its Comparison to a Local one
in Hardware
As I have always said before, a SMPS or PSU is one of the most important components of a desktop PC. If you read this blog regularly then you
Top Symptoms of Faulty RAM in your PC & Laptop
in Hardware
RAM or Memory is one of the most important components of your Computer. Without it you computer won’t start and if the RAM has gone corrupt then you may
Tenda D303 ADSL Modem & 300Mbps Wi-Fi Router Review
in Hardware
Recently I have purchased Tenda D303 ADSL modem cum wireless router for my BSNL broadband internet connection and I could not have been much happier. Here I am going
Best ADSL Splitter Models for ADSL or DSL Broadband Internet
in Internet
ADSL splitter is a small device that is used to separate the high frequency broadband signals from the low frequency telephone signals (POTS) that are used for voice calling.
Corsair VS450 Review – Best Budget Branded SMPS
in Hardware
Corsair VS450 is an entry level branded power supply unit (PSU). I recommend this SMPS to most of the people who wants a reliable PSU in budget. It is