How to Reduce Image Size Online by Image Compression Tools
Images are an interactive and great way to convey information. The size of an image is directly proportional to the image quality and resolution. Sometimes we need to compress the size of images so that they occupy less space on hard disk and you can transport them easily over internet. Also if you own a website or blog that has lots of images or photos then you must want that the images are smaller in size, so that your website or blog can load faster. Please note that here we only talk about reduction in the image size i.e. compression and not resizing an image.
Difference between Compressing and Resizing an Image
There is a huge difference between image reduction / compression and image resizing. Image compression is a technique to reduce the size of an image i.e. file size in terms of KB’s or MB’s it takes on your hard disk and image resizing is to decrease or increase the dimensions of an image i.e. the resolution of an image e.g. 640 x 480 pixels etc. But there is one common thing between the two, which is that the resulting image size is different when you perform either compression or resizing.

Image Size Reduction
Benefits of Image Compression / Reduction
- Easier to send via email because of small size
- Requires less space on your hard disk
- Your Blog or Website will load faster or quicker
Disadvantages of Image Compression
There is only one disadvantage of image compression which is the loss in quality of the image. The loss in image quality will be more if the compression done is more and the quality reduction will be lesser if the compression done is less.
Best Online Image Size Reducer Tools
There are various popular offline imaging softwares available that are used to perform complex image operations including compression and resizing but these softwares are either very costly or bulky i.e. they requires large hard disk space for installation. But why to take such pain when there are free online image or photo compression tools available to perform the required task. So here I am listing down some of the best online tools for reducing the size of your images. They are also called image compressors or image optimizers.
How to Reduce Image Size using these Online Tools
1. Upload your source or original image.
2. Change the image quality according to your needs. Here you can also change the image dimensions if you want to.
3. Download the Compressed or Reduced Size Image after the compression is done from the link given on the website.
Note: While using these tools you must take care on how much reduction do you need or require as you have to maintain a proper balance between image quality and image size. Too much reduction can spoil your image quality and then it will not be of any great use.
Best Free Online Image Size Reduction Tools (Working and Tested)
Here are some good websites for reducing size of your images.
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