Building a Budget Gaming PC under 35k Rupees
Gaming PC’s tends to be very expensive as they require the top end computer hardware or components. This is because of the extra resources required by some of the top high end games such as Crysis, Battlefield 4 etc. Here the resources mainly imply the processing power of cpu, memory and graphics card. CPU and Graphics Card are the main components that are needed to run a game on top game settings. Also a high end cpu, memory a`nd graphics card costs more than the normal ones.

Gaming PC
As everybody cannot afford this kind of expensive hardware so here I will tell you on how to build a decent Gaming PC under 35,000 Rupees so that you can play and enjoy almost every game on mid-high settings.
Hardware required for a Budget Gaming PC (under Rs. 35k)
Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-6098P Processor (3M Cache, 3.60 GHz) (Rs. 7850/-)
Motherboard: Asus H110M-CS Motherboard (Rs. 4000/-)
Memory: Corsair Value 4GB DDR4 RAM (Rs. 2350/-)
Graphics Card: Zotac GeForce GT 730 2GB GDDR5 (Rs. 5000/-)
SMPS / PSU: Corsair VS450 – 450 Watt (Rs. 2500/-)
HDD: Seagate 1TB (6GB/s) (Rs. 3700/-)
Monitor: LG 20M38H LED Monitor (Rs. 5700/-)
Cabinet: Zebronics / iBall cabinet according to your choice (Rs. 1100/-)
Optical Drive: LG DVD Writer (Rs. 950/-)
Keyboard and Mouse:
Mouse – Logitech USB Optical Mouse – (Rs. 375/-)
Keyboard – Logitech 104 KB USB Keyboard – (Rs. 500/-)
Total -> Rs. 34025/-
Buy Computer Components Online at Great Prices
Other components i.e Speakers and UPS you can buy according to your choice. The prices that I have mentioned are very close to the real prices as they vary on daily basis and also shop to shop.
Hello Akshat, I have a question from you! Buddy, I have a budget of maximum 50000 INR and I’m looking for a touch Laptop which is good on features and let me play few top titles like GTA 4, Max Payne3! Can I have your suggestion on buying one?
Hello Lakshya
Here are the best touch Laptops for your needs and recommended by me: (2nd one is better)
Asus F550CC-CJ671H (Intel Core i5-4200U, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 15.6-inch Display, 750GB HDD, Nvidia GT720M 2GB Graphics Card) – around Rs. 49000/-
Asus S551LB-CJ289H (Intel 4th Generation Core i5, 4GB RAM, 15.6 display, 1TB HDD, Nvidia GT740M 2GB Graphics Card) – around Rs. 50000/-
The laptop that you recommended will not be able to run Gta 5.
I have recommended it for GTA 4 and GT 740M can run GTA 5 at low-medium settings.
hellow sir the above given conifiguration under 35000 will it able to play gta 5 maxpayne 3 at high setting without laging and my budget is 35000 plz can u suggest me a best gaming pc that can run new titles smoothty at least in mid settings n my budget is tight as given above
here in the configuration get the Zotac GT 740 2GB graphics card. You will be able to play gta 5 on medium-high settings and max payne 3 on high settings
can u give the best pc configuration for gaming under 35000 to build a gaming pc as it is my budget leaving keyboard mouse n ups ……….so that i can play latest games
keep the same pc configuration with Zotac GT 740 2GB graphics card
can u give the best pc configuration for gaming under 35000 ..
Full PC configuration including monitor or just CPU?
Full PC configuration including monitor
Here is the configuration:
i3 4150 processor
Asus H81M-CS motheboard
500 GB HDD (Seagate/WD)
Asus GT 740 2GB DDR5 Graphics card
Corsair VS450 SMPS
AOC 20-inch E2070 monitor
LG DVD writer
Full Tower cabinet (iball/zebronics)
Mouse / keyboard –your choice
sir,can u give me the configuration of a pc under 35k.i am not a gamer..i like to use dell hd monitor.
Do you require a graphics card?
yes sir
i3 4150 processor
Asus H81M-CS motheboard
500 GB HDD (Seagate/WD)
Zotac GT 730 2GB DDR5 Graphics card
Corsair VS450 SMPS
AOC 20-inch E2070 monitor
LG DVD writer
Full Tower cabinet (iball/zebronics)
Mouse / keyboard –your choice
sir wich monitor is good for watch move,gaming,and other. benq or lg
Both are good but Benq do have better monitors in LED range.
sir how about HP monitors? its good or bad to watching vivid colour photos.,videos ,etc and pls tell me which monitor is good under 12k
HP monitors are not good and not recommended by me. How much screen size do you prefer?
21.5 inch
I would advise you to get Samsung S24E310HL. It is a 24 inch monitor and it is priced a tad under 12k.
i need your opnion for assembel cpu .my budget under 30k. can u give the best pc configuration .(with out monitor or Graphics card)
Here is the configuration
i5-6402P / 3.40 GHz – Rs. 13150
Asus H110M-K – Rs. 5500
Corsair Value Series DDR4 8GB RAM – Rs. 2500
Seagate 1TB Hard Disk – Rs.3550
Corsair Vs450 SMPS – Rs. 2600
Liteon DVD writer – Rs. 900
Choose a full tower cabinet and mouse, keyboard of your choice
best gaming pc configaration under 40k
with or without monitor?
with monitor
Here is the configuration
i3-6098P / 3.70 GHz – Rs. 8200
Asus H110M-K – Rs. 5500
Corsair Value Series DDR4 8GB RAM – Rs. 2500
Seagate 1TB Hard Disk – Rs.3550
Zotac GTX 750 Ti 2GB DDR5 – Rs. 9800/-
Samsung 22″- LS22E310HY Monitor – Rs. 7600/-
Corsair VS450 SMPS – Rs. 2600
Liteon/LG DVD writer – Rs. 900
Choose a full tower cabinet and mouse, keyboard of your choice
Sir, is i3 4th generation processors good for latest games..? And is it future proof..?
Yes i3 4th Gen. is still a good processor and it should be fine for another 2 years or so.
sir i using ur configaration”i3 4150 processor
Asus H81M-CS motheboard” i want to upgrade ram 4 gb to 8 gb .which ram is good for this configaration . and price of ram
i want ur opnion sir.
Go for Corsair Vengeance 8GB DDR3.
and sir i use Zotac GTX 750 Ti 2GB DDR5 in this configaration
The RAM is around 2.9k at deal on amazon. You can get it here
Gaming system under 35k?
I have listed it in the post itself.
and sir i use Zotac GTX 750 Ti 2GB DDR5 in this configaration???
That is ok. Why are you worried about it?
bicause not know about graphic card
you want buy that graphics card or do you have it?
i want buy a graphic card
Ok then Zotac GTX 750 Ti 2GB DDR5 is a good mid-end graphics card. You can surely get it for you.
im not a gamer.and this is my first computor.and i dont know about pc game .so give a sugation
If you are not a gamer then go Zotac GT 730 2GB DDR5. It will serve you well with casual gaming and other work.
thank u sir for ur valuable opnion
Hello sir, i wanna build budget Pc under 35k i hav following configuration
I3 6100
Gigabyte h110
Kingston 8gb ddr4
1 tb hdd
Suggest me best graphics card which can play 1080p games and future games.
N monitor too. Thank you
How much is your budget for graphics card and monitor individually?
As my budget is 35k so if we deduct cpu mobo ram hdd n cabinet.then remaining money will be spend on that.
If you can please give me the exact numbers then i will able to suggest you the best.
Should get in 15 k both
Graphics card-> Zotac GTX 750 Ti 2GB DDR5 (
Monitor-> LG 20″ – E20M37H Monitor (6k Rs.)
Thanx buddy!!! One more thing can u suggest me PSU cabinet and UPS for this configuration
For cabinet -> Cooler Master Elite 311
UPS -> Artis Powersafe 600VA UPS ( For complete list see
Thanx dude for your help!!
Hey I wanted a build a budget good gaming cabinet that is the cpu only at around 30-35k to play games like cs go,fifa 16, gta 5 and stuff without any lag.I already have a 1tb hdd and a 550 watt psu.So can you tell the rest of the stuff.And also the cheaper it is the better.
Kindly please reply asap as I need it urgently
Processor -> Intel Core i5-6402P @ 3.4 GHz
Motherboard -> Asus H110M-CS
RAM -> Transcend 8GB DDR4 RAM
Cabinet -> Deepcool Tesseract BF
Graphics Card -> Zotac GTX 750 Ti 2GB GDDR5
Was not able to find the kingston ram.Can you tell me where i can get it somewhere online and if not then please suggest me something else.
And the gpu will the 750 be better or some other amd product.I want the games to run at high settings or atleast 1080p
750 Ti is enough for this budget and can run games at 1080p. Here is the link for Kingston RAM
The ddr4 kingston hyperx fury and ddr3 g skill ripjaws. Which one is better?
You only have to use DDR4 for Core i series 6th generation processors.
Would an amd build be better for the budget or the one you suggested is alright?
I would be cheaper but will be slower and won’t last longer. I suggest you to go with my configuration if possible.
I do some high graphic designing and processing stuff too
So will the config be enough??
Yes it will be good enough.
Kitna fps dega is config main?? Like minimum and maximum kitna
FPS for what?
Csgo(mainly) and stuff
Can’t predict the exact numbers but you will get more than comfortable FPS with no lag.
Motheeboard asus ka jyada acha hoga ya gigabyte ka??
Asus is better
Okay thank you for helping me out
Decided to go with your config
Just a last favour. Could you send me a link to all the products??
Shopping links?
Yes 🙂
You can search them at
I am confused with the ram
Corsair Vengeance 8gb ddr4
Gskill ripjaws 8gb ddr4 or
Kingston hyperx fury 8gb ddr4
For ultimate performance go with Gskill ripjaws 8gb ddr4
Can you suggest me a cabinet that come with a transparent side panel and a fan controller?
I recommend Corsair CC-9011052-WW Carbide Series SPEC-03 Steel Red LED Mid-Tower Gaming Case but it does not have fan controller. You can get it here
Which psu would you recommend?
I suggest you to go for Antec VP550P SMPS. You can get it here
I have an existing asus geforce gtx 610
Will it be compatible with the rig??
Was hoping to save up money on the gpu and invest on a better gpu later on
Yes it will compatible.
So these are the things i am going for.
Needed your review on it.
Also I decided to go for the zotac 1050ti oc as it was only 3.5k more than the 750ti
Great ! Everything looks good.
What is a cpu cooler?
Could you recommend me a good one??
This should answer your question
I wanted a gaming cabiney exactly within 40000 to play lagfree games
Will be glad if you help 🙂
I will help you out. Do you have any specific requirements?
No specific requirements
Recommend me the best config possible within 40k
Here is the configuration:
Processor – i5-6402P (Rs. 12600)
Motherboard – Asus H110M-D (Rs. 5000)
RAM – 8GB Corsair Vengeance (Rs. 4000)
SMPS – Corsair VS450 (Rs. 2600)
Cabinet – iBall Gaming Cabinet (Rs. 2000)
Graphics Card – Zotac GeForce GTX 1050 Ti OC (Rs. 13000)
*prices may vary a bit depending on the area
best config for gaming with monitor in 2017???
how much is your budget?
hello my budget is under 35k please suggest me latest good configuration with monitor
please refer the blog post as i have updated the list
hi akshat can you suggest me best setup for gaming within 35k including monitor
please refer the blog post as i have updated the list
hi akshat which online shopping site is best to buy these items
i suggest
but price for these components are high than you mentioned in article
then you can get them in local market. I have mentioned the right prices and they vary a bit depending on the location.
can you provide me shopping links for these items with above mentioned prices?
I will include them in the blog post itself but i am a bit busy right now.
does the configuration you mentioned in this article is still the best config?
It is a bit outdated. I will provide you the latest one shortly
can I play GTA 5,just cause 3,crysis in high settings using this
yes you can play GTA 5 an crysis.
hi akshat, do i need to buy cpu cooler and thermal paste or does it comes with cpu and also suggest me best cabinet under 1100
It comes with the processor itself. For under 1100 you can get a good iball or zebronics cabinet. You can see the models on their website.
Hi Akshat thanks for the the stock cpu cooler is enough for gaming or is it necessary to buy aftermarket ones btw i’m not going to overclock processor
It should be fine if you do not overclock the processor. If you think that the temperature of your processor during gaming is getting too high then you can get a aftermarket cooler otherwise not.
Hello sir, can you please suggest me a good processor with motherboard and graphic card, under 25000? mainly for latest games.
Sure.. here are your components
Processor -> Core i3-7100 @ 3.90GHz – Rs. 9300
Motherboard -> Asus H110M-CS – Rs. 4100
Graphics Card -> Zotac Geforce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB GDDR5 -> Rs. 12000
Thank you sir. But one thing sir, can the gtx 1050 ti handle all the latest titles at high settings smoothly.? And resolution 1366×768 or 1600×900 which will be better.?
It can handle almost all latest games at medium-high settingd at 1080p. 1600×900 is better.
Sir, i am planning to upgrade my rig soon along with your help and the materials that you mentioned for me. But i wanted to know whether my present rig can handle some new games.
G2020 2.90 ghz
4gb ram ddr3
GT 730 2gb ddr5
1 tb HDD
Resolution 1366×768
No it can’t.
Yipe my rig is outdated for sure. But sir, i5 is much better for gaming, right.? but costly too and i am on a tight budget. so should i wait for some months(which i cant) or go with the processor that you have mentioned, which i believe will handle all the latest games smoothly. And gtx 950 or the gtx 1050 ti that you have mentioned.? since both price isn’t that differnce, and i am confused between this two.
For 25k this is the best you can get now. Also the price of i5 will not get under 13k in future so waiting makes no sense. For graphics card GTX 1050 Ti is much more powerful than the older GTX 950.
hi can you recommend a gaming configuration with monitor to play gta 5 in high settings max resolution?
how much is your budget?
Lowest possible to run GTA 5 maxed out
then also please specify
maximum 40k
Refer the configuration mentioned in the post and for monitor go for LG 19M38 19-inch LED Monitor
so with this configuration can i play gta 5 maxed out in full resolution?
No but on medium to high settings.
Hey Akashat can you help me configure pc under 30000rs with latest components that can play games like battelfield 1 and upcoming CoD: WWII without much problem.
with or without monitor?
Only cpu in which i will be using my old cabinet and 1 tb hard disk
Hey Akshat do you have any suggestions for what I asked above? Plss reply ASAP
Sorry for the late reply as i was busy in some work. Do you still need the configuration or you already build the PC?
No i haven’t Because of last moment money issues. Though I can still use your help !!
I want to build a gaming pc under 35k budget
Can u please suggest me best configuration including monitor?
Also which CPU is better Intel or AMD?
With monitor you cannot build a good gaming PC under 35k.
How is Intel Pentium g4560 for gaming?
Can it handle latest games when paired with gtx 1050 ti?
It is quite ok and expect it to perform to the level of older core i3.