iBall LPE223-400 SMPS Specification, Price and Review
iBall LPE223-400 is an entry level and cheap Power Supply /SMPS from iBall. It comes pre-installed with almost all the cabinets from iBall and is very common in Indian computer market. I am posting this article because some of the users want to know the specification and information about this iBall SMPS, which is not available on the internet also.

iBall SMPS
iBall is an Indian computer peripherals and electronics company that sells variety of products like keyboards, mouse, web cam, speakers, headphones, smps, ups, mp3 players, pen drives, mobile phones, barcode scanners, tablets etc. iBall does not manufacture any products, they just import them from other countries, mostly from china and sell them under their own brand. iBall has become a popular name in Indian computer market because of their products relatively cheaper prices and the amount of advertising they do. iBall is very popular for their computer cases / cabinets and power supplies / smps. Their cabinets are pretty good but their range of power supplies / smps is pretty bad. Here I will talk about one of its widely available 400 Watt SMPS, which is iBall LPE223-400 which can be found very easily in any computer shop / store and I must say it is a really bad smps / psu and you should avoid it or dump it if you already have one.
iBall LPE223-400 Power Supply Unit (PSU) / SMPS Specification and Price
iBall LPE223-400 is a 400 Watt SMPS and have the following amount of current specified under each rail.

iBall LPE223-400 Specification
Here you can see that it has got only 17A on 12V rail which is very bad and insufficient. It should be at least 20A for a basic computer system and more than 30A if you plan to install a lower-mid range graphics card. So my advice is to keep away from this SMPS and I do not recommend using any Graphics Card with this power supply.
How to Find a Good SMPS for your Computer
Some Good Brands or Companies of SMPS
Good Affordable Budget SMPS for your PC
iBall LPE223-400 Power Supply Price: Around Rs. 700/-
See also:
Hey Akshat,
I have this SMPS with the cabinet and now i want to replace this with Corsair VS550
Will i be able to fit it in the same iBall cabinet? Or will need to buy a new one?
Please let me know, thanks in advance!
I think it will fit. can you specify the model of your iball cabinet?
Hey Akshat,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I don’t know what model it is, but the cabinet came with this PSU when i purchased it.
Should i go ahead and place an order for Corsair VS550?
Is it a full sized cabinet or low profile one? If it is a full sized or mid sized cabinet then the smps will fit perfectly.
I don’t think it’s full sized,
i just measured it with and the height is 14 inch and width is 7 inch
With these dimensions i conclude that it is a mini tower cabinet and i think it may accommodate the Corsair VS550 smps but to be on the safer side i would advise you to get a good mid-tower cabinet like Cooler Master Elite 311. It will cost you at around Rs. 2400/-.
Can this psu run radeon hd 7750 with my system?
My system – Intel pentinum dual core E5300 CPU
4gb ddr2 800MHz ram
Gigabyte-g31-es2l mobo
1 seagate barracuda 298 gb hard disk
1 samsung 18 gb hard disk
1 dvd rw drive
1 case fan (80 cm,but can remove that if needed to,since it wasn’t pre installed)
the gpu i want to add has tdp of 55w and my cpu has tdp of 65 watts(not sure)….so will this run okay?
No. you have to get a good PSU from Antec, Corsair or Cooler Master of 400 – 450 Watt.
can i run Nvidia gt 630 (64 w)
with my
core 2 duo e7400 2.80 ghz
2gb ddr 2 ram
i have same psu lpe 223 -400
and i want to ask that is it 400w or 250w?
I think it is advertised as 400W SMPS and you will face problems by using this low quality smps. Better to go for good SMPS like Corsair VS450.
is this smps could run 20A graphic card as it could give only 17A at a time . or i will run my gt 630 plz tell me (thanks )
It is not safe to run even an entry level card with this smps as its 12V rail current is too low, which is at only 17A.
can i run ATI RADEON R7250 GPU on this PSU- LPE223-400
I do not recommended running ATI RADEON R7250 on this crapy iBall LPE223-400 SMPS. Get yourself Corsair VS450 or Antec VP450P PSU.
I am almost a novoice when it comes to electronics and related concepts. I have an old desktop which has this SMPS fitted in it. I recently measured its consumption using watt meter and it showed 45 Watts. You mentioned, this is a 400 watt SMPS. So, I did not exactly get that. Can you please explain?
Also, I was planning to convert this old desktop of mine into a home server and was looking for ways to bring down the consumption from 45 W to 20 W. That is not going to be easy. Few things I was thinking of were removing video card and replacing old styled hard disk with new SSD disk. Please advise.
Yes you can remove the video card and fit in the SSD. Also the power output of a SMPS is specified as Maximum and not the average. A 400 Watt SMPS does not consume 400 Watts of power all the time, the consumption of power increases with increase in demand from the PC or components.
I have this SMPS with the cabinet and now i want to replace this with Cooler Master Thunder 450 watt
Will i be able to fit it in the same iBall cabinet? Or will need to buy a new one?
Yes it can fit in your current iBall cabinet.
thanks bro
Hi Akshat, I am not sure if this Blog is still active.
If its still Active, need some guidance.
Contacting a blog for the 1st time.
Hello Rajneesh
It is very much active. You can ask your query.
show me iball lpe223-400
dimension or size
I don’t have the exact dimensions but its size is just as of a generic basic smps.
Hi Akshat,
Thanks for the reply. My PC configuration is :-
Processor :- AMD Athlon X2 5000+
Hard Drive :- 320GB or 500GB
RAM :- Currently 2 GB (Will upgrade it to Max 4GB)
Motherboard :- M2n MX SE Plus
Power Supply :- iball LPES223-400
Its around 5-6 years old PC.
I have already checked your reviews for Power Supply :- iball
LPES223-400 and its not that good for it and I understand that.
With onboard Graphics I am able to play following games :-
1. Half Life
2. Unreal
3. NFS 3 – Hot Pursuit
4. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
I want to play some high end games like :-
New versions of NFS or crysis 1 with min graphics settings or Dead
Space with min settings or some other good Shooting or Racing Games.
I have a limited budget.
Although its not suggested to spend money on such configuration, but my
understanding is that if my pc is able to play such games w/o any video card,
if I add even a normal video card, it will boost its performance a bit for sure.
Its like something is better than nothing.
I found reviews on Flipkart that people with old PC are using
ATI Radeon HD 5450 1GB or 2GB and giving good reviews for it
and saying that they are able to play lots of good games with min settings.
I Want to know Akshat that with the above mentioned power supply,
will I able to install and use the 5450 1GB OR 5450 2GB VIDEO CARD ?
They require 350W to 400W Power Supply and they are available on Flipkart
ranging between Rs. 2000 to Rs. 3000. Or you can also suggest the best compatible
video card with above mentioned my PC’s configuration.
Hello Rajneesh
In the first place i would have suggested you to change your SMPS but as you are on tight budget and the card that want to get is not power hungry, then i would say that your current smps can sustain HD 5450 on your current smps. Other better option i would suggest is the Zotac Nvidia GT 610 2GB DDR3 Synergy Edition, and it will cost you at around Rs. 3000/-
Thanks Akshat for the speedy reply.
In case If I go for a new card, one thing is sure, I will go for the Zotac Nvidia GT 610 2GB DDR3 Synergy Edition instead of HD 5450.
However, you have given a good idea also.
In case if I think of upgrading the power supply and then adding a new video card, then which power supply and video card would you suggest.
I have a slim tower/CPU and not a broader one, so you can suggest a power supply of the same physical size as of iball LPES223-400, which can fit easily.
Again, do keep in mind about my limited budget.
I can try to work something out about the budget after you give me suggestion on power supply and video card accordingly.
Don’t suggest too expensive parts. Ha ha. I hope you understand.
Thanks again, waiting for the reply.
First, I would also suggest you to change your cabinet to a proper size as it will allow breathing room for your components and reduces heat build up. For power supply i would suggest Corsair VS450 and for Graphics Card i say Asus/Galaxy/Zotac Nvidia GT 740 1GB DDR5.
I have almost decided that currently I wont go for any change in the cabinet. I will simply upgrade the RAM to maximum ie. 4 GB and will upgrade the Video card.
Later in life when I have good funds, I will go for a good configuration new PC.
My only doubt left now is whether Zotac Nvidia GT 610 is compatible with my Motherboard M2N MX SE Plus ? As there will be no refund for the video card from Flipkart and my money would be wasted.
The doubt came in my mind after visiting the following link, in which it shows that Radeon HD 5450 1024MB is compatible to my motherboard but Nvidia GT 610 is not available in the list of compatible video cards. The list starts from GeForce GT 620.
Link – http://www.pc-specs.com/mobo/Asus/Asus_M2N-MX_SE_Plus/2152/Compatible_GPUs
After checking the list, please suggest if Nvidia GT 610 is actually compatible with M2N MX SE PLUS Mobo or not. Or should I go for other cards mentioned in the list. You can check and recommend it. The question is that it should be available in the market or online to be purchased.
Thank you.
If GT 620 is compatible then GT 610 should be compatible, so don’t worry. Zotac Nvidia GT 610 Synergy Edition is available on flipkart at great discount if you want to purchase it online (its your choice), otherwise you can get it from a good local computer hardware shop.
Hi Akshat plz confirm whether I will be able to play games like –
Need for Speed versions
Crysis 1 and 2
Dead Space 1 and 2
call of duty
assasins creed
or other good shooting or car race games With below mentioned configuration of my system and after adding Zotac Nvidia GT 610 2GB DDR3 Synergy Edition CARD :-
Processor :- AMD Athlon X2 5000+
Hard Drive :- 320GB or 500GB
RAM :- Currently 2 GB (Will upgrade it to Max 4GB)
Motherboard :- M2n MX SE Plus
Power Supply :- iball LPES223-400
I am ok if the games work with medium or low resolution settings on my pc.
Kindly suggest.
Yes you will be able to play all these games but on low-medium graphics setting and at low resolution
Will the Zotac Nvidia GT 610 2GB DDR3 Synergy Edition compatible with Win XP ?
I have checked various other articles on your website/blog.
eg. how to build gaming pc, articles about gaming cards and power supplies etc. Its very informative.
Its the 1st time I have participated in any blog and got huge information which really has guided me well. I appreciate it.
I think I can get answers for lots of questions here.
I am in the process of upgrading the RAM on my PC, once its done, will upgrade the Video card also and will contact you to share its results and for further guidance.
Thanks again for all the help so far.
Thanks for your appreciation and you are always invited for any help.
Hi Akshat,
Thx for your reply.
Need 1help. I think burning smell coming from PSU and it might needs replacement. As you know its iball LPE223-400 model. I have sent pictures of my iball slim tower CPU on your email. I will be installing zotac nvidia 2gb synergy edition video card soon.
So kindly suggest reasonable n good power supply. Sending mail as cant attach pics in blog.
You can reply in this blog itself, try to reply as soon as possible as system not working.
Hello Rajneesh
How much is your budget for SMPS as good power supplies starts from Rs. 2k.
I hope you have checked the pictures of my slim tower iball cpu.
I can spend around 2k-3k for a power supply, but suggest tht psu, which can fit in my slim tower.
I advise you to get Corsair VS450 and i am pretty sure it will fit in your cabinet. It will cost you at around Rs. 2400/-. You can also buy it online at https://www.akshatblog.com/best-budget-400w-500w-smps-or-psu-to-buy-online/ from Amazon.in
I checked and found that Corsair VS450 would not fit in my iball slim CPU.
I went to a comp. shop.
He saw my iball slim tower cpu and said that new power supply wont fit in my slim cpu and video card wont work fine in it. He suggested to go for a big CPU eg. iball cpu which comes with inbuilt 450 watts power supply for Rs. 1650 and XFX HD 5450 2gb DDR3 video card for around Rs. 2700.
What is your suggestion for the above deal?
I think i have also advised you in the past for a bigger full sized cabinet. Here i say that you should get a full sized cabinet and if possible get Corsair VS450 instead of using the inbuilt iball SMPS. For graphics card Zotac Nvidia GT 610 2GB DDR3 Synergy Edition can easily beat HD 5450 by a huge margin on any day.
You have suggested Video card, Smps to me earlier. Kindly suggest a good n reasonable big cabinet also and how much would it cost?
You can pick from any entry level ATX / Full sized standard cabinet from iBall and Zebronics according to your choice. They will cost at around Rs. 900 – 950/-
does the above metioned smps support AMD Sapphire R7 240 1 GB DDR5 Graphic card
I would not recommend iBall LPE223-400 SMPS for any graphics card.
Hi Akshat,
My PC specs are..
Intel core 2 duo e7400 2.8ghz
2gb ram
Same PSU as mentioned in this topic.
I need to buy a new graphic card(preferably gt640ddr5 1gb) .. I’m ok with running games on low/medium settings.. as long as I can run them..
Although I”ve read your comments that you don’t SUGGEST this PSU .. but can you Please confirm if I’ll be able to run GT640 DDR5 1GB with those specs??
If not, please suggest a good PSU and also if any other graphic card ? I can spend around 5-6k
For PSU go for Corsair VS450. You can run GT640 DDR5 with your specs but need to change the power supply with the one that i have advised. With GT640 DDR5 you can run latest games on low-medium settings with decent resolution.
Are you saying that new PSU is a MUST in order for GT640 to work ?
Since my budget is pretty tight, won’t I be able to run games by buying just the graphic card?
Yes it is a must if you want your card and other components to function properly without any risk. This iBall PSU cannot handle a PC especially with a graphics card and you will face problems afterwards and it may also cause damage to your gfx card and other components.
Oh I see!
Maybe that’s why I’m facing random graphic problems with games(FIFA14,GTA) when in fact some months ago they were working fine in low settings in my present graphic card NVIDIA GeForce 8400 Se 512mb..
So the graphic card AS WELL AS the PSU must be the culprit! 🙁
Hi Akshat,
I’m certain to change my PSU to the one you mentioned.. But..
Needed help for buying graphic card..
Damn confused over which one to buy there are so many.. and which one will work with my aforementioned PC specs..
Can you please help..
GT640 ddr5 , gt720 ddr5 , gt730 ddr5, gt740 ddr5…
so many..!!!
I can spend max 5-6k..
Hello Arpeet
Yes there are many models and variant of graphics cards available in the market. Here i recommend you Nvidia GT 730 2 GB DDR5, which is the best card you can get in your budget range i.e. Rs 6k. It is powerful enough to run latest demanding games at low-medium settings at decent or high resolution. You can buy either Asus or the Zotac one. Both are equally good. Read here to know more about it https://www.akshatblog.com/nvidia-geforce-gt-730-gt-740-budget-graphics-cards/
Hi Akshat,
Need One final confirmation before buying the PSU vs450 and graphic card (gt740 I’m getting for 6k(so gt740 ddr5 it is))…
What I need to know is after buying these two, I wouldn’t be needing any further changes to my processor or ram would I?
2.8ghz e7400 intel core 2 duo and 2GB RAM ..
No you don’t have to make any changes to them. You can upgrade you processor, motherboard and RAM anytime in the near future if you want to while keeping the same Graphics Card and PSU.
Thanks for your help.. cheers!
” For Graphics Card i would advise you to get Zotac Nvidia GT 730 2GB DDR5 (approx Rs. 5700/-) and for SMPS go for Corsair VS450 (~ Rs. 2500/-). ”
Bought these finally ^^^
Am able to play FIFA 14 now 😛
One thing I wanted to ask is IF in the future I need some upgrading for MY PC, what is the weakest component that needs to be upgraded in my PC?
processor , RAM ?
Thanks 🙂
Your processor E7400 2.8ghz and for new processor you have to eventually change your motherboard and RAM (if it is not DDR3).
My rig is-
I-ball i2601 cabinet with LPE/LPS 223-400 (250 W) power supply
Amd Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition
Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2P motherboard
4 GB Corsair Ram
I use my pc just to play FIFA . With my above pc i was able to play FIFA 14 without graphics card but couldn’t play FIFA 15.
FIFA 15 Requirements are:
I read your above blog and need tour help.
Which smps and graphics card should i purchase to play FIFA.
P.S. I only play FIFA and no other games and that to on low settings. I dont need high settings. please suggest me a good smps and graphics card which suits my requirement.
My budget is 8000/-
Thank u..!!
For Graphics Card i would advise you to get Zotac Nvidia GT 730 2GB DDR5 (approx Rs. 5700/-) and for SMPS go for Corsair VS450 (~ Rs. 2500/-). With these two you will be able to enjoy FIFA 15 at medium-high settings with smooth frame rates.
Thank u…
I am getting Radeon HD 5850 at 4000/- @ prime abgb.com
Should i go for it or with your recommendation..
is there any other graphics card other than GT 730 ??
Well HD 5850 is an old but a powerful high end card, so if you are getting it for 4k then it is a good deal. But the other thing is that you have go for a good 500W+ SMPS for this card as it requires more power. So if you are getting this card then go for Corsair VS550 which will cost you at Rs. 3700/-
Thank u.. Akshat !!!
I really appreciate your work.. 🙂
I will go as per your recommendations 🙂
1 more doubt.. will corsair VS450 fit in my cabinet ?
yes it will
I am Have a query that I am thinking to Buy a Asus Nvidia Gt730 DDr3 64 bit Graphics Card and my PC having a Same Smps Iball LPE223-400 So doubt that Graphic card will work proper on that smps ?
Also another Doubt LPE223-400 is a 400 watt smps or 250watt am totaly confused as you said its 400 watt but some where else its Written its 250 watt ..
Waiting For your response
Thanks ,
Asus GT 730 will not work properly on Iball LPE223-400 so advise you to get a good branded smps like Corsair VS450 or Cooler Master Thunder 450W. You can buy them at https://www.akshatblog.com/best-budget-400w-500w-smps-or-psu-to-buy-online/. Iball LPE223-400 is a very cheap and inferior SMPS, and its not true 400 Watt.
Ok thanks Got a Quick responce from you 🙂
So now have to change Cabinet also :/ that Corsair smps is bit different dont know will fit in cabinet or not its fan is not on the same place as LPE223-400
I am going to upgrade my pc for high speed work ( and for gaming 🙂 ).
I have a tight budget .
My old cpu details.
Mobo:- asus P5G4IC-M LX
Processor:- dual core E5700 3GHZ pentium
Ram :- 2Gb (worst for gaming)
PSU:- iball model :- LPE223-400 ATX switching power supply. 230 VAC
Cabinet :- iball (14 inch height) (7 inch breath) approx.
My new cpu(that what I want) details:-
MOBO:- Intel DG41WV cost(4500) (60$)
Processor:- will continue dual core . (Will change it to i7 when I will be having budget . So please confirm that my mobo will work with both processor)
Ram:- Transcend TS1GSK64V3H 8gb DDR3 cost (3000) (40$)
GPU(graphic card) :- Zotac Nvidea GeForce Gtx 750 ti 2Gb DDR5 cost (10,000) (140$)
What you think? I should change cabinet and PSU.
Price is in indian rupees.
My budget is 20k(300$) already things costing 18k (260$)
If I have to change PSU and Cabinet recommend me best and cheap(not quality) and should compatible with all stuff.
In cabinet i want HDMI port. Someone was saying it’s good for future .
If your have better MOBO and GPU at that price please share with me. I checked many and selected but I can change if they also cost at that range. Prefer mobo intel( so it can work with i7)
My one friend was saying something by that PCL should be 3.0 . What’s that? how I can take ?
Please reply ASAP.
Please check my things are compatible with each other .
Will work great next 2-3 years ?
I will able to play battlefield 4 ,gta 5 type of games?
Thank You.
Your motherboard Intel DG41WV is a 775 socket mobo which is outdated and will not work with latest i7 processors. You will need socket 1151 motherboard for latest 6th generation i7 processors. Also you have to change your RAM to DDR4 as new 6th generation processors & motherboards support DDR4 RAM only. Your cabinet looks fine but you have to change your SMPS. Go for at least Corsair VS450 SMPS. Your GPU is also OK but if you want better then i can suggest you that also but please specify me the budget for it. I think your friend meant PCIe and not PCl. PCIe x16 is the graphics card interface / slot on motherboard and its latest version is 3.0. For motherboard i would recommend Asus H110M-K (supports DDR4 only) but if you want a DDR3 RAM motherboard then go for Asus H110M-K D3.
I want to buy a new graphic card for my computer. My budget is 10-12 thousand. These are my specs Processor: http://ark.intel.com/products/43546/Intel-Core-i5-650-Processor-4M-Cache-3_20-GHz Motherboard: https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P7H55M_LX/specifications/ Ram: 4GB ddr3
SMPS https://www.akshatblog.com/iball-lpe223-400-smps-specification-price-and-review/
please tell me which Graphic card should i buy in this range
I would advise you to get Zotac Geforce GTX 750 Ti 2GB DDR5. It is available at an amazing price at http://www.amazon.in/ZOTAC-GeForce-Graphics-Black-Orange/dp/B00IFZ547Q/?tag=aksha0b-21
will it work on my motherboard? it is PCI Express 2.0 x16 slot. Will a ddr5 card work on ddr3? Also, do i have to change my SMPS?
Yes it will work on your motherboard but you have to change your SMPS. Graphics card RAM has nothing to with motherboard RAM. I recommend getting Corsair VS450 http://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B00DGKM95A/?tag=aksha0b-21. Also read graphics card related doubts here https://www.akshatblog.com/graphics-card-related-doubts-cleared-with-explanations/
Sir, my budget is 12k max, if i have to purchase a SMPS then it goes over my budget. can you suggest a cheaper graphic card which can fit into my budget? And do i have to increase my ram memory? My friends told me that 4gb isnt enough and it will affect the performance of the card
Ok then for Graphics Card go for Zotac Geforce GT 740 2GB DDR5 http://www.amazon.in/ZOTAC-GeForce-Graphics-Black-Orange/dp/B00KO0UBXW/?tag=aksha0b-21. If you are running 64-bit version of Windows then you may want to increase RAM to 6GB or 8GB.
My windows is 32 bit , 6 gb is enough?
No use of using 6 GB on 32-bit version of windows as windows 32 bit only recognizes 3.5 GB of RAM. So if you are using 32-bit version of windows then stick with 4 GB only.
Thanks alot for helping. Last doubt is, will the SMPS that you suggested, fit in the cabinet space of my current SMPS? The cabinet is a iball cabinet, which i think as you said above comes along with the SMPS.
Yes it will fit in nicely so do not worry about it. Please share this blog to others as a small favor.
I will, you saved my day. Keep up the good work and thanks a lot
Thanks for your appreciation and keep visiting.
Hi, I am Abhishek. I have read your blogs and I really appriciate your work. Now I have a querry too. My PC Configuration is: Pentium Dual core @2.20Ghz. 3GB DDR2 RAM, 500GB HDD, Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit and I-ball LPE 223-400 SMPS. My PC is 7years old,but it works fine. Now I want to buy Nvidia Geforce GT 710 2GB DDR3(Because of my tight budget). Should I change my SMPS to Corsair VS450?
Hello Abhishek,
GT 710 is a low power card but I still advise you go for a better SMPS because i-ball LPE 223-400 is a terrible SMSP. If you can get Corsair VS450 (http://amzn.to/2ezRTtc) then it will be very good for you because if you upgrade your PC or go for a good mid-range graphics card in future then you don’t have to invest in another SMPS.
Thanks for the reply. One more question, will it fit in my i-ball cabinet? My cabinet looks like this https://img02.olx.in/images_olxin/227854641_1_1000x700_i-ball-cabinet-with-smps-thane.jpg
I also want to know that, if I get Corsair VS450, will it consume more electricity because of 450Watt? I mean, will I have to pay more for electricity bill? Or it is depends on the components of PC, because my configuration is very simple. If I run my computer 4hrs/day, how much electric unit will take?
Yes it will perfectly fit in your cabinet. It will not consume extra electricity because the SMPS will consume electricity according the load. It will not run on 450 Watt all day long.
Thanks a lot for these informations.
You are welcome and please share this blog with your friends.
Yes I will. You said before that GT 710 is low power Graphics card. What does that mean? Does that mean it works on wattage? Please clarify that.
It means that it consumes less power.
..I mean to say does that work on low wattage?
Ok. Thank you.
I have an assembled computer which has amd with 4300 CPU with Asus MB, 1gb 10k Data drive, DVD, 2x 4gb ram, gt610 graphics card. This is in Iball Piano 126 cabinet. The PSU as I was told is Iball 255, it’s wattage 450 but at 12v, current is only 18,amp. Use this for photo editing, the software I use does need computing power, (DXO Prime, software vendor recommended use if Graphics card). There is an additional fan also.Desktop worked well for 3 years almost, but last few days, it rebooted and on switching on it said Antisurge protection due to unstable PSU, ..when u feel the PSU it is very hot after a 20minute run with above mentioned software. I presume the PSU has a problem and I need to replace.. ? Do u feel my conclusion is correct ? Also the better brands u recommended has the PSU fan , not in same side of power input socket. Which means PSU fan will be blowing out hot air inside the computer cabinet, directly on the CPU and feel that is bad. Can you pls provide recommendation of a good PSU with fan and input socket on same side…so that can be blowing out from behind the cabinet ? Would appreciate your input.
The cheap iBall is the culprit here. The bottom fan in these power supplies blows the air on the components and not the CPU. The air then gets out from the back vents of the PSU so it should not be a problem. I recommend you to get Corsair VS450.
Thanks for your inputs. Appreciated
I have placed an order for the PSU you have recommended, when I have this mounted in my cabinet, where PSU mounting is on top, PSU fan is to be facing downward into the cabinet facing the graphics card and CPU or has to mounted with fan facing upwards. My doubt was because if you have fan facing downward it will suck in to the psu, the hot air from PSU and graphics card, if you mount facing upwards, there might not be much room above to suck air from and air flow can be restricted. Please let me know what is recommended ?
the fan part should face downwards
I have a cabinet with this installed
My specs are
Processor-intel i3 6100
Ram-hyper x ddr3 8gb
Gpu-amd radeon hd5450
I want to buy a gtx 1060 or 1050ti for playing games
The 1050 ti doesnt require a dedicated psu
And the 1060 requires a 6 pin connector and comes with a molex to 6pin adapter should i go ahead and upgrade or should i also upgrade the psu also
I have a tight budget
Cheapest 400w corsair psu-rs3000
I think GTX 1050 Ti should be enough as you can play all the games on medium-high settings on 1080p. For SMPS go with Corsair VS450.
I want to use gtx 1060 as fio approx 3000rs more it gives a 20 to 30 fps boost. which psu should i go with
Go with Corsair VS550.
Can I use zebronics 450w(dsata) instead of iball lpe223-400??
No as they both are really bad.
Thank u for quick reponse .
Any other i can opt for cheaper price around 1k r 1.5k??
You can get VIP 400W Gold at 1.8k http://amzn.to/2lC5YY3
for every product the voltage is same i.e 3.3 , 5 , 12, -12v but current value changes .
can u tell me range for the current value for each 3.3v 5v 12v etc that the motherboard n other components can withstand ??
Only you have to look for current under 12V rail. It should be at least 30A for a good SMPS.
ok thanks 🙂
Hi. I neeaded your advice regarding my SMPS. My computer configuration is:
Processor : Intel Pentium Dual Core E5300
Motherboard : GA-G31M-ES2L
Graphics : Inbuilt Intel G3100 Graphics
SMPS – Iball LPS223-400
RAM : 1GB DDR2 Kingston
2GB DDR2 Transcend
Storage : IDE 180GB
Monitor : Samsung Syncmaster 591S (CRT)
I am a very casual user, mainly i use it for watching movies, youtube and some document work.
Is there any need to change my SMPS for current configuration?
And am also planning to upgrade my monitor to 24″ 1080p, Will my system support it at full resolution?
I suggest you upgrade to a better SMPS. The cheapest good SMPS that i recommend is VIP 400R Plus
I checked for VIP 400R Plus SMPS, but it is having just one IDE connector and am having two IDE hard disks.
then go with Corsair VS450
Is my processor and motherboard good enough to carry on for few more years? And can a SMPS cause slow performance of CPU?
Maximum one year you can stretch your processor and motherboard. SMPS has no direct relation with with the CPU but it must provide the required power to all your computer components.
Ok thanks for the help. I will stretch this CPU with SMPS for a year and build a new CPU next year, but for the time being will it support 1080p 24 inch monitor?
Yes it can support 24 inch monitor at 1080p.
I wish to convert my psu from iball LPE 223-400 from your recommended cooler master cm 350+. Will it fit to my pc?
yes it will fit properly
My psu is mounred on top. So,is there any problem to install for cooler fan upward?
the fan should face downwards.
I have e7500 CPU,2GB DDR2 ram,sata hard drive 7200RPM,DVD writer and gtx 750ti.
I want a good psu as low as possible. I’m currently using Iball lps 233-400.And also planing to upgrade CPU to q8400 95 Watts TDP.
how much is your budget for psu?
Hi. I neeaded your advice regarding my SMPS. My computer configuration is:
Processor : Intel Core i3-4130 CPU @ 3.40 GHz
Motherboard : ASUS H81M-V3
Graphics : ATI RADEON HD5450
Audio : Sound Card for 5.1
SMPS – Iball LPS223-400
RAM : 8GB DDR3 Crosair Vegeance and 2GB DDR3 Zion
Monitor : Samsung LCD 19″
I love to play games, watching movies, listening song, youtube and some document work.
And some times the computer runs for continuously nearly 1 week.
Is there any need to change my SMPS for current configuration?
And am also planning to upgrade my Graphics Card to 4GB, Will my system support it at full resolution?
And Please suggest me what graphics card is better
It is better to change your SMPS to something better e.g. Corsair VS450. For your system, I suggest GeForce GT 1030 (GDDR5 version) graphics card.
Sir I need some help with my psu.
I have lpe223-400.
I have i5 7400, 8gb ddr4 ram, a gt710 2gd ddr3.
I am thinking of upgrading my gpu to a gtx 1650, that consumes about 75w power.
Will it run, also my psu is 11 years old so please tell if I upgrade to 1650 my psu will run or not as if it damages my components I would have to get a new PC.
You need to upgrade your PSU for GTX 1650. The PSU I would suggest is Corsair VS450.
Sir is the PSU fine for my current specs. It is 11 years old. And if do change my PSU to Corsair VS450 will it fit in the same cabinet with which the psu came. Thanks for your quick response.
Yes it should fit fine.
Sir my current PSU can it support my current specs, and not damage them. And if I upgrade will it damage my components.
Your current PSU is not adequate for the graphics card.
Hello Sir, Its great to see that you are still replying to comments from 2014 to now! I own this PSU, does it have a 6 pin power connector for graphics card?
No, it does not have a 6-pin PCIe connector.
Hello my this PSU fan makes sound what is the problem. Can you say?
The PSU fan bearings are worn out.
sir i have iball LPE223-400 smps
but this is not working so i want to change it
please suggest which smps is suitable
i have i ball cabinet (NP1188770) which height is 37 cms and width is 13 cms
In the budget segment, you can go for Ant Esports VS450L 450W SMPS. It is available on Amazon.
Sir is it easily fit on cabinet
I have slim cabinet as mention in previous comments
Can you provide me the product link of your iball cabinet? If it can fit iball LPE223-400 PSU, then it should not have any problem fitting the Ant Esports VS450L power supply.